Parental Involvement

Dyersburg Middle School
School Parent Compact

What is a School-Parent Compact?
Our annual school-parent compact offers ways that we can work together to help our students succeed. This compact provides strategies to help connect learning at school and at home.

Effective compacts:

  • Link to academic achievement goals
  • Focus on student learning
  • Share strategies that parents, students, and staff can use
  • Explain how parents and teachers can communicate about student progress
  • Describe opportunities for parents to observe, volunteer, and participate in the classroom

Jointly Developed
The families, students, and staff worked together to share ideas to develop the school-parent compact. Teachers met with their subject area teams to design practical strategies for parents to use at home. Parents provided valuable feedback on their needs to help their students. Students completed comment cards to add ideas for the compact. Meetings are held each year to review and revise the compact based on the school’s academic goals and students’ needs.

Parents are welcome to provide feedback on the compact at anytime during the school year. All feedback will be collected and reviewed during the annual revision meeting with families. Please contact Seela Newbill at 731-286-3625 or visit our website, for more information.

Building Partnerships & Communicating
About Student Learning

Dyersburg Middle School offers ongoing events and programs to provide parents and students with access to our staff.  Please contact our school to learn more about these great opportunities and more.

  • Fall Virtual & Spring Open House
  • Daily announcement emails
  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Weekly team emails
  • Parent Vue
  • ACT Aspire Parent Night
  • Progress Reports every 4.5 weeks
  • RenLearn Home Connect

There are many opportunities at our school for parents to volunteer and play a role in their child’s education.  Please consider joining the faculty, staff, and your student through some of the following events and programs:

  • Library Volunteer
  • VSBA Pizza Party
  • AR 100 Point Cookout
  • Tutoring Parent Nights
  • Virtual Open House
  • DMS Winter Dance Chaperone
  • Classroom Observations
  • Principal’s Parent Advisory
  • DCS App
  • DMS Facebook

To participate or learn more about these opportunities or other ways to observe and volunteer, please contact Jenny Smith at 731-286-3625.

Do you have questions about your child’s progress?
Contact your child’s teacher by phone (731-286-3625) or email.  Email address are listed at

Our Goals for Student Achievement

District Goals
Dyersburg City Schools sets goals for the entire district.  The district goals for the 2018-2019 school year are:
Reading - Achieve a level 3 Growth score or higher in literacy and maintain/improve the percentile rank in terms of the number of students scoring on-track or mastered.  
Math -  Achieve a level 3 Growth score or higher in numeracy and maintain/improve the percentile rank in terms of the number of students scoring on-track and mastered.  

School Goals
Reading – Achieve a level 5 Growth score and increase the percent of students scoring on-track or mastered to 40%.
Math -  Achieve a level 5 Growth score and increase the percent of students scoring on-track or mastered to 50%.

Teachers, Families, Students - Together for Success

In the Classroom We Will

  • Set reasonable weekly AR goals to ensure growth in reading comprehension and vocabulary
  • Communicate assignments and due dates
  • Hold students accountable for using reading strategies that show their thinking and support success
  • Develop an interactive math notebook that provides examples and processes for solving problems to be used throughout the year
  • Provide Home Connect login for students and parents to monitor progress on Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math

At Home We Will

  • Monitor my child’s AR progress and provide a place for them to read at least 20 min. per day
  • Monitor teacher correspondence to ensure assignments are completed
  • Utilize resources provided by the school to help my child with reading
  • Monitor my child’s interactive notebook to see that he/she is taking effective notes and referencing the notebook as needed
  • Monitor my child’s progress online and/or printed TOPS Report and provide them a time and place to work on math goals

Students Will

  • Set a realistic AR goal each nine weeks, monitor progress using the RenLearn program, and achieve goal
  • Complete assignments on time
  • Use the reading strategies my teachers teach in all classes
  • Take effective notes in the interactive notebook and use it as a resource
  • Take responsibility and monitor my progress in Math, stay current with AM goals, and show work on all math assignments